Join us as Davina McCall discusses the challenges and successes of the care sector with our esteemed panel of care managers.
Join Adam Purnell from the IHSCM to earn practical strategies for effective remote leadership, including harnessing technology and fostering collaboration.
Join experts from Arden University to learn how to embed safety practices and learning from mistakes in your team culture, in line with CQC’s focus on ‘safety through learning’.
Join home care leaders and digital experts as The Caring View’s Mark Topps moderates this discussion on one of the most difficult topics in home care: rostering.
Join the NHS Digitising Social Care team and ex-technophobe care managers to hear how they embraced technology and plan your own journey, one small step at a time.
Join Christine Wint and Tricia Pereira of Skills for Care to discover the principles of ‘caring to change’ and the transformative effect it can have on your team and workplace.
Join home care leaders from BelleVie and Walfinch along with recruitment expert Neil Eastwood to learn how to look after your people and strengthen your remote team.
Join Sanjay Dhrona from The Close Care Home and Mark Topps and Adam Purnell from The Caring View for this workshop on navigating difficult ethical decisions at work.
Join Charlie Jones of BKR Care Consultancy to learn about the changes CQC is making, what inspectors are looking for, and how to protect your service.