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24 Jun 2023

Session announcement: Rostering

Session announcement: Rostering
Join home care leaders and digital experts as The Caring View’s Mark Topps moderates this discussion on one of the most difficult topics in home care: rostering.

Rostering is notoriously complex, with home care providers facing the challenge of making sure all clients are seen at the right times, while working around the commitments, locations, and transport options available to carers.

On top of that, carers’ availability can often change week-to-week, and even at the last minute, for example if a car breaks down or a child is off school sick.

However, there are some tips and tricks that will help you to manage your roster, keeping both your carers and clients happy. We’ve brought together operational care leaders from providers Walfinch, BelleVie, and Chosen Care Group, to discuss their experiences and advice. 

We’ll also be joined by Digital Social Care, a website dedicated to providing advice and support to the care sector around technology and data. As an independent party, they’ll be able to honestly discuss the different technological solutions available to help manage your roster.

Finally, we’re lucky to have Mark Topps, a busy man who is also featuring on the Entertainment Stage and in the Moral Maze discussion, to moderate this session.

Participating in this panel will be:

  • Mark Topps, Social media director, National Association of Care and Support Workers
  • Tiffany Meachim, Managing director - Walfinch
  • Catherine Corner, Regional wellbeing lead for the North East - BelleVie
  • Trudie Fell, Chief executive and co-founder - BelleVie
  • Asad Abdullah, Registered care manager - Chosen Care Group
  •  Katie Thorn, Project lead - Digital Social Care

Join this session to:

  • Hear from experienced operational managers about the tips they use to manage rostering their teams
  • Join a debate on the pros and cons of different methods, including helpful technology
  • Learn how clever and effective rostering can materially affect your carers' happiness and help you to retain your best team members


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