Samantha Crawley
Samantha has a background spanning over 25 years in sales, marketing, operational delivery and business development within the care home sector. She is a business & leadership coach and derives real satisfaction from supporting, coaching and developing talent in the care sector. Having held senior positions in the sector’s larger providers, such as Barchester Healthcare and Excelcare, Samantha’s experience has enabled her to continue to hone her talent as well as continue to learn from the amazing people in the sector.
Samantha is a non-exec Director of The Outstanding Society and is a master practitioner in NLP. Samantha was awarded the Chief Nurse Social Care Award in December 2022 for people who go above and beyond their roles. In addition to this, Samantha was awarded the Social Care Leadership award in 2023 and Businesswoman of the Year award in the Leading Women in Care Awards in 2024.
29-Nov-2024Caring Times Owners Club TheatreGrowing your care business without losing the 'family-run' feel