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17 Jun 2023

Session announcement: The moral maze

Session announcement: The moral maze

Join Sanjay Dhrona from The Close Care Home and Mark Topps and Adam Purnell from The Caring View for this workshop on navigating difficult ethical decisions at work.

As a care manager, you have to make hundreds of decisions every day spanning every area of your setting or home care patch, covering everything from clinical questions to HR, rotas, and regulatory compliance.

But sometimes, a decision isn’t so easy to make. Sometimes, there isn’t a right answer. In this session, we’re exploring the morally grey questions that come up every so often in a care manager’s life. Questions relating to the autonomy, capability, and dignity of residents – particularly when the resident may want something different to their family, or something that is not medically advisable. 

For example, what do you do when a resident with dementia, who has not eaten pork for religious reasons all their life, suddenly wants a bacon sandwich? Do you respect their autonomy as the person they are now, or consider the wishes of the person they were? Are they still legally considered to have capacity; is there a power of attorney? And what do their family think?

Join Sanjay, Mark, and Adam in the Care Operational Excellence Theatre for a fascinating discussion:

  • Come together in groups to discuss difficult ethical decisions that you can face as a care manager
  • Work on real case studies where managers have to mediate between the resident and relatives, and navigate sensitive issues to do with sexuality and religion with care


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